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License Opportunities

FQGlobal is breaking out into the international market. We will have the assessments available in six different languages, namely; English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese and Italian.

We are urgently looking for licencees or dealers world wide, who are interested in the understanding of human behaviour, and delivering services to Individuals, Human Resource Institutions, High Schools, Colleges, Small Businesses, Muncipalities and Large Corporates.

Any applicant must have at least a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree, and must have sufficient experience in running an efficient service orientated organization.

Sociology Students or Psychologists would make ideal candidates provided they have the ability to adapt into new technology and possess the necessary defined personal values to fulfill the franchise job profile.

We have our own traing college known as FQGlobal Training, with the Head Office situated in New Zealand. The training is done via correspondence and the standard is from a Honours Degree to a Masters Degree level. All lectures are supervised by Dr Neil Whitehouse MA. Sociologhy; Ph.D Interdisciplinary Studies.- Functional Intelligence™.

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